Bird’s Nests III

This recipe is for a variation of the Chinese dessert, bird’s nests. Bird’s nests are traditionally made with egg whites and sugar, but this version uses gelatin to create a Nestle-esque treat.


  • 4 cups chow mein noodles
  • 3 cups miniature marshmallows
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 30 small jellybeans


1. Line a cookie sheet with foil and grease it with spray-on cooking oil. This will prevent the bird’s nests from sticking to the pan.

2. Pour 4 cups of chow mein noodles into a large bowl.

3. In a separate pot, melt 3 cups of miniature marshmallows and 3 tablespoons of butter over medium heat. Stir until the mixture is smooth.

4. Pour the marshmallow mixture over the noodles in the large bowl, and stir until they are well coated.

5. Rub some butter on your hands to prevent sticking, then form the noodle mixture into six round balls. Place them on the prepared cookie sheet.

6. Use the back of a teaspoon to press down into each ball and make a hollow indentation for filling later on.

7 Let nests set until they are firm before filling each one with small jelly beans (or other small candies of your choice).

Nutrition Facts

  • Serving size: 1 bird’s nest
  • Calories: 190
  • Fat: 8 g
  • Saturated fat: 4.5 g
  • Unsaturated fat: 3.5 g
  • Trans fat: 0 g
  • Cholesterol: 20 mg
  • Sodium: 210 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 27 g
  • Fiber: 1 g
  • Sugar 15g
Bird's Nests III

What is a nest for Class 3?

Most birds build nests to lay eggs and protect their babies. They use grass, straws, twigs, and leaves to build their nest. They use their beaks to build nests.

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A nest for Class 3 is a place where the bird can lay its eggs and keep them safe from predators or other dangers. The materials that the bird uses to build its nest will vary depending on what is available in its environment, but it typically includes things like grass, straws, twigs, and leaves. The bird uses its beak to construct the nest, which can be a complicated process depending on the size and type of nest being built.

What is called Bird Nest?

A bird nest is a structure built by a bird to hold its eggs and young. The first layer of the nest is typically made from twigs, leaves, grasses, and other plant material. The inside of the nest is lined with softer materials like feathers or fur. Some birds will use saliva or mud to help bind the materials together.

The shape of a bird’s nest varies depending on the species of bird. Some nests are cup-shaped while others are more platform-like. The size also varies, with some nests being only a few inches across while others can be over a foot wide.

Most birds build their nests in trees, but some will build them on the ground or in bushes. Birds will also use man-made structures like buildings and bridges for nesting sites. Wherever they build their nests, they usually try to find a spot that is sheltered from the wind and predators.

Building a nest takes time and energy, so birds usually only do it once per breeding season. Some species will reuse their nests year after year while others build new ones each time.

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What is Bird’s Nest Drink Good For?

As we get older, many of us experience common complaints like chronic dry coughs and fatigue. Fortunately, there is a traditional remedy that can help ease these symptoms – bird’s nest drink.

Bird’s nest has been used for centuries to clear phlegm, ease chronic dry coughs and relieve fatigue. It is also known to stimulate the appetite, improve digestion and stimulate bowel movement. All of these benefits make bird’s nest an ideal drink for seniors who want to feel their best.

To prepare bird’s nest drink, simply simmer dried bird’s nests in water until they soften.

What is called bird nest?

A bird nest is the spot in which a bird lays and incubates its eggs and raises its young. The word “nest” can also be used to refer to the structure built by some animals, particularly social insects, to house their entire colony. However, for the purposes of this article, we will focus on avian nests.

Birds build nests using a variety of materials depending on the species, including twigs, grasses, leaves, mosses, mud, saliva, and feathers. Some birds even use man-made materials like string or plastic. The size and shape of bird nests also varies widely between species; while some are just simple scrape in the ground lined with a few bits of vegetation, others are elaborately constructed cups or bowls made from interwoven plant material or even built into rock crevices or hollow tree trunks.

The function of a nest is twofold: firstly, it provides somewhere for the parent birds to lay their eggs; secondly, it protects them from predators and the elements (such as cold weather). Once the eggs have hatched and the chicks are born, the nest continues to provide shelter and safety for them until they are old enough to leave it. In many cases however (particularly with smaller songbird species), once they fledge (grow their first set of adult feathers) they will never return to their birthplace nest again.

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What is a nest for kids?

A nest is a structure in which an animal lives or keeps its young. Birds are well known for building nests for their eggs. Some fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and insects also build nests.

A nest for kids is a place where they can feel safe and secure. It can be made out of anything that the child feels comfortable with, such as blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, etc. It should be big enough for the child to move around in and should be located in a quiet spot in the house where the child can relax without being disturbed.

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